He Went to Lone Wolf Distributors

Forget elaborate plans with sky writing, flash choirs, rose petals, and any of that weird, sissy stuff. If you are looking to propose to a young lady, just go to Lone Wolf Distributors. They can help make that day (and her Glock) really special with their custom engraving service.

Kudos to the man who worked out this plan to buy a new Glock… I mean propose marriage.


If It’s Stupid and It Works, It’s Not Stupid

There is, at times, a major disconnect between the internet gun culture/industry and the real world gun culture/industry that exists outside the confines of Facebook, Instagram, and even this blog. I recently received an email that drove that point home for me.


The email was thanking me for my AR-15 Pistol coverage over the years and it included a picture of the sender’s AR-15 Pistol. The 10.5″ 5.56 pistol, a mix of various budget parts, was topped off with a Leupold Mark AR 3-9×40… which is a lot of glass for a 10.5″ pistol. If the sender of this email was to post a picture of said AR-15 pistol online, he would most likely be greeted with a chorus of jeers and abuse. However, here is what they don’t know:

The sender is an accomplished long range shooter and hunter. He lives on acreage in the North West where he runs cattle. This particular AR pistol was purpose built to spend its days moving from his work truck, to his UTV, and occasionally other farm vehicles. That funny looking little AR fit the various compartments it needed to ride in perfectly and had already accounted for countless coyotes, gophers, and other undesirables around his ranch. He had dope worked out for it out to 600 yards which he admitted was a real stretch for the 10.5″ barrel and the cartridge. This was a working gun that was purpose built and that was already proven.

Dann at God, Gals, Guns, Grub could tell you about a farmer friend of his who keeps a similar AR pistol for similar reasons. We sometimes forget that our experiences may not be universal, our needs may not be similar, and what works for us, may not be useful to someone else. Next time you are looking at another man’s firearm and feel the need to lob a snide remark grenade over the internet wall of anonymity, stop and think for a minute… It could be that you just don’t fully understand the ways that firearm meets their needs or it could be that they need someone to come along side and help them learn.

If it’s stupid and works, is it really that stupid?

Note: The sender of the email outlined above asked that I not post the picture of his firearm… So, enjoy the picture of a Glock with a bipod on it instead. This is actually a way I tested the 50 yard accuracy of this set up for a review. It’s obviously not that practical.

HURRICANE Hybrid Chest Rig from Direct Action

The HURRICANE Hybrid Chest Rig from Direct Action packs a ton of features and pouches but manages to fit into a surprisingly compact footprint – especially considering it is a split-front design.


The rig can hold 4 AR or AK magazines in its open top, bungee retention pouches. The mag pouches feature a system that adjusts the height of each individual pouch via strap that is accessed from inside the admin slip pockets behind each panel of the rig. There are four general purpose pouches – two silent with side release buckles and two hook/loop secured – on in front of the magazine pouches. The user can attach their own pouches via the MOLLE compatible slots located on both sides of the rig. The HURRICANE Hybrid Chest Rig may also be detached from its harness and docked to a plate carrier.

You can check out the video below to see even more features. Visit DirectActionGear.com to learn more.

RMJ Tactical Ka-Bar Sheath

You know RMJ Tactical for their tomahawks but, judging by the looks of their new Ka-Bar sheath, you may know them for leather working soon.

RMJ Tactical says that the new sheath has a “Vintage look and feel with modern carry options.” The weathered leather construction looks right at home on a classic working/combat knife like the iconic Ka-Bar. It is supplied with a MOLLE/Belt drop loop or a low profile belt adapter that can be configured for vertical or horizontal carry.

Check out the Ka-Bar Sheath at RMJ Tactical.

rmj-kabar-sheath-1 rmj-kabar-sheath-2 rmj-kabar-sheath-4 rmj-kabar-sheath-3

SKD Tactical Introduces PIG FDT-Delta Utility Glove in Multicam

SKD Tactical has just released their FDT-Delta Utility Glove in Multicam and they are on sale for 15% for the next 40 hours or so.

I have had a pair of these for the last few weeks (I was sworn to secrecy) and they are everything I have come to expect from the FDT-Delta Utility Gloves – form fitting, comfortable, and affordable. They differ slightly in the material used on the back of the glove. Unlike the single color FDT-Delta Utility Gloves, the Multicam version have printed 3D mesh material that breaths well and has a very slight padded feel.


Features include:

  • Full touchscreen compatible forefinger and thumb
  • Fold-over finger construction to eliminate fingertip discomfort
  • Single-layer palm for tactile sensitivity
  • Bar-tacked paracord pull loop
  • Silicon printed grip on the palm
  • Elastic wrist for quick don and doff sequence
  • Genuine Multicamâ„¢ printed 3D mesh material

Check out the new FDT-Delta Utility Gloves Multicam at SKD Tactical. You can see the JTT review of the FDT-Delta Utility Gloves here and watch our Instagram feed for pics of the new gloves today.

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