Soft Loops, especially those with Pull-the-Dot snaps, are an oft-forgotten and VERY underrated way to carry small to medium-sized EDC fixed blades. These simple, affordable, and versatile sheath attachment loops are worth having just in case you need them.

I like Discreet Carry Concepts and Ulticlips as much as the next guy but I don’t find that they are always the answer. However, there are times when I do not prefer them. Adding a simple soft loop to a sheath lets me move the knife to my belt, freeing up space in my pockets or on my waistband for other tools.
I should also mention that soft loops are significantly more affordable than clips. I bought a big bag of them years ago and I still have plenty left. They are affordable if you buy one or two at a time and dirt cheap if you can get them in bulk. Don’t spend more than $5 on a loop with hardware.
There are also other great upsides to soft loops. They are compatible with almost any sheath as long as it has a single rivet or hole that can accept a Chicago screw and is narrow enough to wrap the loop. They can also be used as dangling belt loops for larger knives. They last pretty much forever as long as they have real Pull-the-Dot snaps.

Finally and perhaps more importantly, they are actually good. They allow the knife to be carried in an almost ideal position: horizontal (or slightly canted) on the center-line of the body, accessible from either hand. To be clear, I am not talking about double loops in “scout” carry. I am talking about using a single loop and carrying in front of the hip, with the handle in toward the center of my body. This position provides easy access and comfort, even when sitting for long periods, without blocking access to other tools.
These are widely available online from places like Amazon or your favorite holster maker: Soft Loops on