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Impact Weapons Components and Haley Strategic Partners just dove head first into the deep end of the M-LOK pool with the release of 8 M-LOK compatible hand stops, light mounts, sling mounts, and more. You can view the entire line on IWC’s M-LOK product page and we will highlight a few items below.

The new QD Rotation Limited Sling Mount for M-LOK is likely the lowest profile sling mount IWC has made yet. It has a slick, angular design and weighs in at 1/3rd of an ounce. It, like several of the new M-LOK items from IWC, makes use of a captive screw system that retains the fastener inside of the mount.

IWC’s M-LOK Hand Stops and Barricade Stops are similar to past versions and the new captive screw design allows them to sit extremely close to the rail. The edges of the mount basically melt into the rail.

The flagship of the IWC and HSP collaboration has always been the Thorntail line of light mounts. All of the Thorntail variants are now available for M-LOK and many of them boast new features that are worth checking out. The Thorntail2 M-LOK Light Mount, for instance, features a new mounting system that allows adjustability in the way the Scout compatible light is attached to the cantilever arm. It provides .250″ of adjustment in order to accommodate other accessories like sights and lasers that might otherwise be in the way.

HSP Inforce WMLX 400/800

Haley Strategic Partners’ new version of the Inforce WMLX allows the user to choose between two outputs, 400 and 800 lumens, at the flip of a switch. The momentary only pressure pad activation switch ensures that you always get the bright, white light you need instead of having to cycle through various modes.

Check out the HSP Inforce WMLX 400/800 at HaleyStrategic.com.

IWC and HSP Introduce Thorntail BACKBONE Scout Light Bodies and Thorntail INLINE Mount

The partnership of Impact Weapons Components and Haley Strategic Partners has been a fruitful one. Their latest creations build on the original concept of the Thorntail Light Mount and bring a new level of lateral adjustment. Their new Thorntail BACKBONE Scout Light Bodies and Thorntail INLINE Mount are now available.

backbone bodies IWC

The Thorntail BACKBONE Light Bodies are available for the single CR123A 300 Series Scout Lights and for the two CR123A 600 Series Scout Lights. These light bodies are fully compatible with all Scout series accessories and feature a unique threaded hole pattern that allows nearly 1/4″ of lateral adjustment for light placement with any Scout compatible mount. This allows the user to fine tune the placement of the light to their liking. In addition, these light bodies are slimmer and lighter than the original Scout light bodies.

iwc thorntail inline

When the Thorntail BACKBONE Light Bodies are used with the new Thorntail INLINE Adaptive Light Mount, the user has even greater ability to fine tune the light placement. The Thorntail INLINE has its own unique mounting hole pattern that, when coupled with the Thorntail BACKBONE, provide almost 1/2″ of lateral adjustment.

Don’t forget to use code “triggerjerk” at Impact Weapons Components to save 5% on IWC products.

iwc backbone and inline options

HSP D3CR Updates, Expansions, and Sneak Peek

Travis Haley of Haley Strategic Partners just posted a video that shows what is now being referred to as the D3CR Lite (more on this in a moment). The video outlines small changes made to the rig and all of the various expansion modules available for it. At the end there is a first look at an upcoming D3CR Heavy rig that will be dropping next week.

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