A rolling stone gathers no moss and there is certainly no moss on the ROSCH Works crew. They are currently developing several products that are worth noting. I have more detail that I can share on some than others.
The development on the new, brighter head for the SL1 is still moving forward though it has been superseded by a couple of other interesting projects.

The first of those projects is the TM2 which is a light mount that is designed to be as simple as possible while giving flexible light mounting options that require no modifications to the host gun. It can be uses to mount a 1″ light in number of positions to a shotgun barrel or AR-15 barrel with the use of a shim. The design is so simple and robust that it needs only 1 screw. The typical ROSCH Works attention to detail and material science is present in how they are making the TM2 from a stainless alloy that reduces the amount of heat transferred to the light from the barrel. The expected price on the TM2 is $30-$35 depending on the options.

As you can see from the image above, you can expect to see stand-alone ROSCH Works flashlights in the future.
ROSCH Works is also developing a light mount that will be similar in principle to the TM2 except that it will offer QD functionality. This will allow the user to easily attach or detach their light as the need arises. Like the TM2, it will require no modifications to the host gun.
Perhaps most interestingly, they are developing a light mount with integrated front sight that will allow you to mount any 1″ light on the top rail or your hand guard. This could be one of the most exciting lighting products since the SL1. Stay tuned for additional images and information on this mount.

Finally, the SL1 is now available in FDE. ROSCH Works wanted to do more than just coat them and call them good so they spent some time getting these right. They are now available at ROSCHWorks.com.