OC Tactical is now carrying magnets that are meant to help you organize your ammo cans. They are printed with various calibers or other related items like “Mags” or “Range Gear” so that you can identify what your ammo cans are holding at a glance. They are very inexpensive and not semi-permanent like a sticker. Everyone say it with me. “Why didn’t I think of that?”
Check out the Ammo Can Magnets from OC Tactical.
I know that they are only charging a dollar a piece for these things, but couldn’t one just make this at home with duct tape and a magic marker, for pretty close to free??? Why would you even take the time to complete the online purchase, let alone go through them to find the particular one you need for a particular can? Seriously, I think this is a solution looking for a problem. I guess maybe if these things were 10 cents a piece, or what not, but for the ocst of a few of them you can get a whole roll of duct tape.
Of course you could use tape. That is what I do now but the ability to quickly and easily move the labels and the cleaner, more organized appearance of the magnets is worth something to me.