Tag Archives | ENDO Apparel

New Designs from ENDO Apparel

I always look forward to seeing the latest designs from ENDO Apparel and the newest two releases do not disappoint. The new Shots Fired shirt is solid but the M1 Garand Clip design steals the show. It features a large, stylized Enbloc clip graphic that is sure to impress your shooting buddies and fly over the head of the clueless.

Shots-Fired-TriBlack-Shirt-Full-Resolution M1-Garand-Clip-TriBlack-Shirt-Full-Resolution

Unorganized Militia Patch from ENDO Apparel

ENDO Apparel, the merch side of Every Day No Days Off Gun Blog, introduced a new design recently that is top notch. Their Unorganized Militia patch features a segmented snake graphic thatis reminiscent of Benjamin Franklin’s famous Join or Die political cartoon. However, the snake on the patch has puzzle-like dovetails, allowing it to join together at a moments notice. It’s a powerful message.

The same graphic is also available on a t-shirt. Check out ENDO Apparel.


Model 416 Fire Selector Switch T-Shirt from ENDO Apparel

I have already liked the pictogram markings on the HK416. The pictogram markings are so simple, effective, and almost artful in their simplicity. Apparently ENDO Apparel, the t-shirt shop side of Every Day No Days Off, thinks the pictogram markings are pretty cool too because they just released a new shirt that features them prominently. Its a great looking shirt.

Check out the Model 416 Fire Selector Switch T-Shirt from ENDO Apparel.


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