From Adam Harris, Owner, GunfightersINC
At GunfighterslNC we have always prioritized customer feedback and demand into our design process. We consider it to be a valuable tool in both honing our existing products as well deciding where to spend our research and development time. So, in short, you ask for it, we deliver, and we deliver it right.
We are proud to introduce the long awaited Scoped Revolver Holster!
We wanted to maximize scope coverage and protection without being bulky. The scope cover was designed and re-designed at least a half dozen times before we were happy with it. We settled on 22 oz HEX70 XL which is a 70 denier nylon designed specifically for high strength, durability, and superior abrasion resistance. This is sewn over a elastic core to give a slight amount of stretch to conform to the scopes shape and position.
The scope cover needed to be able to conform to the various ways a scope can be mounted and be as simple as possible to minimize bulk and failure points. To accomplish this we decided on 1/4 inch shock cord woven through the length of the scope cover and joined with a large pull tab which is easy to grasp even with a gloved hand.
The cord attaches to the front shell using a marine grade nylon impregnated composite hook (used in sailboat racing) which is hard riveted on, so it won’t degrade over time and is impervious to the elements. The result of all that is a scope cover that will stand the test of time, doesn’t need adjustment to provide tension and looks the business.
The Scoped Hunter is available for most revolver platforms at this time, in both right and left hand draw. Models offered are: S&W X Frame, N Frame, L Frame, Ruger Redhawk\Super Redhawk, Ruger Blackhawk/Super Blackhawk and the Taurus Raging Hunter. More models will be added based on customer demand.
I hope that you enjoy it!
Adam Harris
Visit our website to browse or purchase, or reach out to us directly to find out more about the Scoped Hunter Holster. We’re happy to answer any questions you may have – and, we appreciate you spreading the word, should you feel compelled to do so. 🙂
Kindest regards,
Your GunfightersINC Team
This is a home run! I’ve been waiting for this…
Michael B
I agree Michael. It’s a brilliant design by an innovative company.