3 Responses to Tactical Medical Solutions Introduces Tan SOF Tactical Tourniquet Wide

  1. Jim April 12, 2016 at 14:05 #

    After the better part of two decades at war in the Middle East, with every warfighter carrying (and often using) multiple tourniquets…tac med finally coughs up a tan one. Hopefully this was an issue of material suitability and availability, and not just an effort to boost the annual sales of makers of coyote and multicam tourniquet holders.

    • JKifer April 14, 2016 at 11:46 #

      I personally like my tk’s to stand out a little for easy locating in stressful conditions (black does this well). I sharpie the windlass retainer and call it good.

    • Mike April 15, 2016 at 17:35 #

      Maybe their Government contracts required them to be black. When the government puts out the solicitation the color is specified. Now that the government contracts have slowed down, maybe they’re putting out new color options to appeal to the civilian market. Just a thought.

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