Wilson Combat and Ernest Langdon Create Drool Worthy Beretta 92s

If there is a man who you can trust to know how to make the Beretta 92 sing, it is Ernest Langdon. He is well known for his long time (and long discontinued) custom work on Berettas and his winning ways in competition shooting with Beretta handguns. I was fortunate to purchase several parts from him back when I owned a Beretta 92 that I picked up for a song back in my college days (I miss that gun). Wilson Combat can certainly be trusted to execute that vision.


Given the names who are involved, I was very excited to see on Pistol-Training.com that Ernest Langdon was acting as an adviser to the folks at Wilson Combat as they introduced new custom parts and services for the Beretta 92. Now if I could just scare up a good deal on a Beretta Vertec 92G to send in for some custom work, I would be a happy man.

Check out all the new Beretta parts and services at Wilson Combat.

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