Impact Weapons Components just released their very compact KeyMod Bipod MOUNT-N-SLOT. This small stud has no fasteners to come loose, weighs next to nothing, and has almost no footprint on its own. You simply place it on your KeyMod compatible rail and then use your bipod’s integral clamping mount to attach the bipod to the stud.

Check out the KeyMod Bipod MOUNT-N-SLOT at Impact Weapons Components and use code “triggerjerk” for 5% off your order.

iwc keymod bipodproductimage-picture-keymod-bipod-mount-n-slot-625_jpg_640x480_q85

5 Responses to IWC KeyMod Bipod MOUNT-N-SLOT

  1. Publius March 20, 2014 at 16:49 #

    This works very well. Noveske has had this exact mount out for a few years already (though difficult to find until recently). Is this steel or aluminum alloy? Thanks!

  2. Earl Pittman March 20, 2014 at 22:37 #

    Noveske’s iOS not built like IWC’s. Once installed, ours is impossible to accidentally remove as a result of the snap ring that house around the outboard area of the mount. You can hammer a nail with ours and the Handguard will bend before the snap ring fails. IWC’s has no threaded parts to come loose. IWC’s is a single piece, and the whole assembly contains only three parts. IWC’s is Melonite plated. Lastly, IWC’s is less money than Noveske’s.

    • Publius March 21, 2014 at 17:34 #

      Thanks Earl. Can you tell me what the IWC version is made from?

  3. Earl Pittman March 23, 2014 at 11:26 #

    Publius, These have three components:The Bipod Mount made from 303 Stainless Steel, Black Melonite coated, a stainless steel snap ring and a square profile O-ring.


  1. keymod the damn reciever? - Page 4 - March 21, 2014

    […] Speaking of bipods – I just saw this article on IWC making a bipod stud for the keymod: IWC KeyMod Bipod MOUNT-N-SLOT | Jerking the Trigger I can only hope the folks making keymod rails and accessories are taking into account the loads […]

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