Dead Drop Spike from ITS Tactical

It is unlikely that I will ever need a dead drop. I know that and yet I still think that the Dead Drop Spike from ITS Tactical is the coolest thing I have seen all day. I suspect you think it is pretty slick too.


A dead drop is a prearranged location that can be used to pass information discreetly between parties. You arrange some kind of signal or sign post to indicate that the drop location is active, place the info into the Dead Drop Spike, and then place the spike at the prearranged location. Once the other party or parties receive the signal, they can retrieve the information. It is a simple concept.

The ITS Tactical Dead Drop Spike is 5 3/4″ long and machined from 3/4″ aluminum bar stock. It has a removable cap that is o-ring sealed. It is designed to be pressed into soft ground until the top is flush with ground level. The included leather strap makes it easy to remove from the ground.

Check out the Dead Drop Spike at ITS Tactical.

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