Patch Collecting: 2 Cent Tactical Patches

2 Cent Tactical is the best thing to come out of Canada since poutine (and that is pretty high praise). Ryan and company run a great blog that is full of fair reviews and solid pictures. They also happen to have a killer logo that looks great on patches and were kind enough to send me a bunch for my collection. I especially like the glow in the dark versions.

Be sure to check out 2 Cent Tactical. You can purchase your own 2 Cent Tactical patches at EDC Canada.

3 Responses to Patch Collecting: 2 Cent Tactical Patches

  1. Ryan Houtekamer May 16, 2012 at 19:46 #

    Thanks for the good words Matt.If your looking for the small patches you can get them here

  2. Battle Systems LLC May 16, 2012 at 21:31 #

    Very cool logo, 2 Cent!

  3. Ryan Houtekamer May 17, 2012 at 08:54 #

    Same to you Battle Systems. At some point I will have to grab your coyote tape from Rampart. I am tired of using elastic strap keepers.

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