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Introducing the WNSDN NATO-MIL Quadrant Telemeter

BERLIN, 2022-02-22 – WNDSN Messtechnik introduces the latest iteration of one of the most popular WNDSN Telemeter products, forking it into a military-specific product with relevant details.

“Now the general who wins a battle makes many calculations in his temple before the battle is fought. The general who loses a battle makes but few calculations beforehand. Thus do many calculations lead to victory, and few calculations to defeat: how much more no calculation at all!” –Sun Tzu

The WNDSN suite of Telemeters are wallet-size graphical distance and altitude calculators designed to provide professionals in the field and soldiers on the front accurate and reliable measurement devices when modern methods either fail or are contraindicated for the given scenario. Under certain conditions or in cases where laser rangefinders are unavailable or result in errors, WNDSN Telemeters prevail and can be used as primary or “second opinion” tools, to cross-check values obtained with different means. This newest iteration of the WNDSN NATO-MIL Quadrant Telemeter applies previous enhancements found on its civilian counterpart, the WNDSN High-Viz Quadrant Telemeter, resulting in increased precision and usability in non-ideal encounters for military operational staff and law enforcement personnel.

Newest advancements in the Wndsn NATO-MIL Quadrant Telemeter includes a 150 MIL scale graded in 1 MIL increments using the recently introduced enhanced vision block scales inspired by surveyor’s instruments with scale marks in a blocky shape resembling the letter E. In response to users’ feedback, the newly developed sighting scale uses blocks instead of lines as scale marks, by filling every other pair of lines with solid color. This enhanced scale design allows WNDSN the first opportunity to grade the MIL scale in 1 MIL increments, whereas in earlier NATO-MIL models the precision was only 2 MIL, thus with a scale maximum of 130 MIL. Increased precision was also made possible by decreasing the eye-to-scale distance to 50 cm for easier set up in the field and to improve acuity.

Further changes include removal of civilian features that are provided for educational and astronomical purposes (shadow square and obliquity arc) and the addition of a MIL scale inside the degree arc graded in 25 and 100 MIL.

Accuracy and speed of measurement in adverse conditions have been given consideration, with the addition of a dot grid inside the Quadrant allowing for more accurate string operations. A new coordinate scale is in place for maps using a 1:25k scale to determine a position on a UTM/MGRS grid by way of northing and easting.

Custom coordinate and other scales are available upon request for unit or bulk orders.

New for 2022 is the opportunity to book online classes in German or English for small groups, units, or individuals customized based on prior skill-level and background.

The material of the NATO-MIL Quadrant Telemeter is the same sandwich acrylic used on the High-Viz Quadrant Telemeter, consisting of a white core and white scale marks with a black matte surface. This black matte surface reduces glare, and further supports the protection of positions when inconspicuousness is a requirement for tactical success. In order to retain the high visibility and robustness of the scales, the scales are laser-engraved and precision-cut through 0.1 mm strong black acrylic exposing the white acrylic underneath, ensuring the scales cannot be destroyed. The user can be assured that the ruggedness, durability, and integrity of the various scales remains intact.

Clarification of terms: MIL usually denotes MRAD, MILliradians; thousandths of a radian. The scientific MIL, also called MRAD, is a 1000th of a radian (which leads to an odd value for a full circle), while the military MIL is based on dividing the circle into an even number that splits nicely into decimal fractions. Militaries around the world have historically used rounded versions of the MRAD, the NATO-MIL and the German army’s ‘Artilleristischer Strich’ divide the full circle by 6400 — instead of the MRAD’s more accurate but also harder to subdivide 6283.x — while the Warsaw Pact established 6000 MILs in a circle and the Swedish divide it into 6300 “streck”. WNDSN uses the NATO-MIL, that is 360° / 6400.

Training is at the forefront of all WNDSN instruments. Included with the WNDSN NATO-MIL Telemeter Quadrant is a printed 32-page mini-booklet in both English and German that was specifically designed for the NATO-MIL Quadrant Telemeter. For increased mastery of the instruments, a comprehensive 170-page NATO-MIL Quadrant Telemeter Field Manual is available as a digital supplement and separately in print. Available both in print and digital, the NATO-MIL Quadrant Telemeter Field Manual is based on the latest GQT5 and optimized for practical use in the field, with the removal of the astronomy, history, or graphical math sections found in the civilian manual. The 170-page Field Manual is included as a PDF upon purchase of a WNDSN NATO-MIL Quadrant Telemeter and is also available in paperback via Amazon websites and available for order by regional/local book sellers.


  • Dimensions: Credit card-sized; 3.4″ x 2.2″ (8.5 x 5.5 cm)
  • Thickness: 1/8″ (3.2 mm)
  • Material: 1/8″ (3.2 mm) Acrylic stock, matte black surfaces, white core with white scales, laser engraved
  • Included: WNDSN NATO-MIL Quadrant Telemeter, double-sided; Dyneema string, 0.35 mm turquoise, pre-configured in the required length; plumb line weight, tungsten carbide; Custom-made carton sleeve; printed 32-page Telemeter pocketbook (in English and German); digital 170-page comprehensive field manual (in English or German)
  • Developed and Made in Germany

Scales on the WNDSN NATO-MIL Quadrant Telemeter:

  • Angular size (NATO-MIL) and distance (based on user input)
  • Height or depth of object
  • Altitude or elevation (in degree, MIL, or percent)
  • Computation of sine, cosine, and tangent from a given angle (and back)
  • Degree, slope, and MIL quadrant
  • Inclinometer (-5° to 30°, graded in 0.25°)
  • Coordinate scale (1:25k)

The WNSDN NATO-MIL Quadrant Telemeter is available at:

See also the comprehensive purchase guide for soldiers:

Fourfold Improvement in WNDSN Telemeter Accuracy

BERLIN, 2021-10-14 – WNDSN Applied Sciences Lab presents a significant update to their main product, a new sighting scale that improves the Telemeter accuracy by 400%. The WNDSN Telemeter is a low-tech, naked-eye distance measuring instrument based on comparing the triangle between our eye and a scale with the triangle between our eye and the object in question.

“It’s not what you look at that matters, it’s what you see.” –Henry David Thoreau

In response and in collaboration with users who report problems in sighting accuracy due to the fixed distance between eye and scale that the Telemeter operation requires, WNDSN has developed a new sighting scale inspired by surveyor’s instruments with scale marks in E shape.

For the new sighting scale blocks instead of lines are used as scale marks, filling every other pair of lines with a solid color. This change increases the width of the smallest element which the user can visually discern from 0.25 mm to 1 mm — yielding a fourfold increase in legibility.

To introduce this improved scale, it has been added to the Night Ops Telemeter, which is already optimized for enhanced visibility in the dark. A bestseller ever since its release, the Night Ops Telemeter is a going-back-to-the-roots, bare bones Telemeter in clear acrylic.

The WNDSN Telemeter upgrade is designed to help people with short-sightedness or other visual impairment but it also increases accuracy for users who have no issues sighting with the original scale.

Made in Germany.

Available at:


WNDSN’s Applied Science Lab, based in Berlin, develops and manufactures that which can’t be improvised; measurement, navigation, and surveying instruments informed by the motto “Ex Mensura, Scientia” — knowledge from measurement.

WNDSN produces archival quality products that are designed with intent by combining techniques proven over centuries; arcane science meets cutting edge contemporary methods, resulting in iconic, timeless, high-utility designs.

In addition to custom-built instruments and tools, metrology & illumination solutions, WNDSN creates expedition mementos and morale patches to celebrate cross-disciplinary exploration in the spirit of the Renaissance. WNDSN morale patches are acutely designed — no line is left to randomness, no element is mere filler. They serve as infographics, how-tos for the WNDSN tools, magic sigils, as well as functional markers.

Introducing the WNDSN Explorer’s Notebook

BERLIN, 2021-09-15 – WNDSN Applied Sciences Lab is excited to announce their first adventures into stationery, with the WNDSN Explorer’s Notebook.

“Keep a notebook. Travel with it, eat with it, sleep with it. Slap into it every stray thought that flutters up into your brain. Cheap paper is less perishable than gray matter. And lead pencil markings endure longer than memory.” –Jack London

Calculations only become real when written down, and for years Telemeter and Quadrant users have had to go without a dedicated WNDSN notebook to capture their most necessary computations.

The WNDSN Explorer’s Notebook is a one-of-a-kind addition to the stationery marketspace. This pocket notebook is designed for easy portability, durability, and pleasure of writing, and comes with several unique features.

The user will first appreciate the 40 pages of dot grid paper, designed for ease of writing, drawing, and calculation notation. However, it comes with a twist. The right page maintains a conventional square grid, while the left page is an isometric grid. Held right side up, the grid lines flow from one page to another; the user’s writing will be seamless. By turning the notebook 90 degrees the isometric grid is ready for 3D drawings.

The team at WNDSN are fountain pen aficionados, and the sensual experience of writing was first and foremost on their mind. The Explorer’s notebook is made with Swedish Munken Pure 120g/m² (32 lb) paper. Munken Pure is cradle-to-cradle certified, from sustainably managed forests and will take even the inkiest fountain pen without bleed through.

The spirit of experimental exploration is always at the heart of WNDSN products and no product would be complete without aids to ensure that the explorer has accurate mathematical results. In the back of the notebook the user will find a compendium of useful scientific guides and 18 conversion nomograms for all of their exploratory needs.

The advantage of using nomograms, a WNDSN specialty, is that unlike tables they work both ways, back and forth and in a graphical, at-a-glance, intuitive fashion.

The guides include:

  • Trigonometry: Definition of SOHCAHTOA and an explanation of the Law of Sines.
  • A Sine Quadrant with short instructions for graphical sine, cosine, and tangent computation.
  • 18 unit conversion nomograms for angle, speed, temperature, mass, volume, and length.
  • The WNDSN moon clock, a visual aid in determining time from moon phase and observed lunar shape and altitude.

No detail is left to chance, and as a finale, the cover is as useful as it is beautiful. Featuring Fedrigoni Sirio Black 290g/m² (107 lb) stock, the front cover is embossed with the WNDSN Polaris logo, a favorite amongst patch aficionados. The back cover features a 10-degree Telemeter, realized in white screen-printing complete with instructions to attach a paperclip with some string to the back of the notebook, for a fully working Telemeter.

WNDSN is excited with this first foray into stationery and note taking products, with more to come. With the WNDSN Explorer’s Notebook, WNDSN delivers an exclusive notebook with a unique and exemplary paper experience. And as added value, the scientific compendium, Sine Quadrant, and Telemeter will be useful to all explorers who value or rely on analog tools and precision when out in the field.


  • 40 pages of conventional and isometric dot grid paper
  • Dot grid printed in turquoise as a spot color
  • The left page is an isometric dot grid, and the right is a standard square dot grid.
  • Size: 3.5″ x 5.5″ (89 x 140 mm)
  • Packaged in bundles of 3
  • Last 8 pages: 18 conversion nomograms angle (deg/time), speed (kn/ms/mph/kmh), temperature (f/c), mass (lbs/kg/oz), volume (gal/l/qt/pt), length (in/cm, m/yd/ft, km/mi/nm), angular size (moa/deg, mil/deg/mrad)
  • Inside pages printed on Swedish Munken Pure 120g/m² (32 lb)
  • Cover made with Fedrigoni Sirio Black 290g/m² (107 lb)
  • Front cover: Polaris pentagon embossed
  • Back cover: 10° Telemeter with instructions
  • Supplemental flyer with best practices for note taking, and use of features

Made in Germany.

Available at:

Introducing the WNDSN Night Ops Telemeter

BERLIN, 2020-12-21, DECEMBER SOLSTICE – The return of an old favorite to make sense of those dark times.

“Light thinks it travels faster than anything but it is wrong. No matter how fast light travels, it finds the darkness has always got there first, and is waiting for it.” –Terry Pratchett

WNDSN Applied Sciences lab is pleased to announce the Night Ops Telemeter, new in stock for those working or adventuring under low-light conditions or in the dark.

The WNDSN Night Ops Telemeter is a re-release of an old classic. It is a simple, one-sided Telemeter engraved on transparent acrylic, made with a special slot to accommodate a 2″ mini chemlight for lateral illumination of the scale marks for night-time or low-light observations. The Night Ops Telemeter features a maximized set of scales with 7.5° x 7.5 x 500 units and is the first WNDSN product to use the new single-line font for 2021.

With the transparent acrylic and a special engraving technique, the Night Ops Telemeter makes use of the refraction property of the material which allows reading the scales against a light background where they appear dark, as well as in the dark, where they appear light — thus providing good contrast in most conditions.

The WNDSN Night Ops Telemeter is laser-engraved on glossy, transparent, 1/8″ (3 mm) thick acrylic stock, in the size of a standard credit card. Included is all that is required to get started, including a pre-configured Dyneema string, and printed 32-page Telemeter pocketbook instructions (in English and German), as well as access to the digital 240-page full manual.

WNDSN’s bestselling Telemeter is a measurement, calculation, and exploration instrument with thousands of units in use by professionals such as emergency, security, and law enforcement personnel, also teachers and instructors, as well as private enthusiasts, urban explorers and adventurers.

WNDSN Telemeters are wallet-size distance and altitude nomographs developed in the WNDSN applied science lab: WNDSN Telemeters combine a thousand years of civil engineering, surveying, navigation, and astronomy in one durable, low tech, high utility instrument that can be brought anywhere, is self-containing, and independent of external, modern technologies.

In extreme conditions, or in cases where laser rangefinders do not work or cause errors, WNDSN Telemeters can be used as a primary tool or to get a “second opinion” to cross-check values obtained with different means, or in emergency situations when other methods fail or are unavailable.

WNDSN Telemeters continue to spark and promote interest in contemporary metrological science and ancient navigational history as well as educational astronomy.

Made in Germany.

Available at:

Introducing the WNDSN Eclipse Challenge Coin

BERLIN, 2020-12-03 – “The difference between science and the arts is not that they are different sides of the same coin even, or even different parts of the same continuum, but rather, they are manifestations of the same thing. The arts and sciences are avatars of human creativity.” –Mae Jemison

WNDSN Applied Sciences Lab is pleased to announce the release of the new heavy metal WNDSN Eclipse Challenge Coin. The challenge coin is a fan-favorite and well-loved token to those who have taken on the spirit of adventure and self-reliance by choosing WNDSN products. 2020 has been a difficult year for many, and WNDSN is thankful for the support shown this year. With this coin, WNDSN upholds their operating instructions, “to pursue, to persist, to prevail” and to acknowledge that these qualities have been especially critical this year.

The front side of the coin shows the WNDSN metrology motto: “ex mensura, scientia” or “knowledge from measurement” and a graphical representation of a lunar eclipse that utilizes the old alchemical symbol for verdigris and, later, the astronomical symbol for the Earth. A few adornments form a riddle to be decoded or divulged at a later date.

The back side of the coin is divided into four graphical quadrants featuring a shadow square, standing for solving problems of space, a set of equal hour lines, standing for determining time, and the sine quadrant as the most elegant of mathematical instruments. In the fourth quadrant resides the WNDSN maker’s mark. Those who look closely, will always find more.

A challenge coin rewards good work and service, bolsters morale, and signals one aficionado to the other. The coins are made in Berlin, Germany with exceptional precision and clarity of lines. Coming in at 1.5 inches diameter (38 mm), enthusiasts can for now choose between a coated brass or copper coin that weighs 26 or 27 g, respectively.

Available at: https://store.wndsn.com/products/wndsn-eclipse-challenge-coin

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