In this installment of The Regular Guy Sessions, we will be talking with Jon at Danger Close Consulting (DCC). Jon is the man responsible for the recently reviewed Low Pro Scout Mount as well as other excellent light mounts (and some pretty hilarious t-shirts). I first found Danger Close Consulting on Lightfighter where he shares his knowledge as a Moderator. I ordered one of his mounts recently and, like I said in the review, it solved a problem for me. That is what I like my gear to do – solve problems.
I have said it before and I will say it again – if you can trust the person who makes the gear, you can trust the gear. That is the point of these interviews. I want people to get to know those who are making their gear. I want to connect buyers with sellers and give people options when it comes time to spend hard earned cash on gear. I think after you learn a bit about Jon, you will certainly trust his gear.
I want to first start out by thanking Jon for his service to this country and for taking time to answer my questions. Thank you, Jon.
Can you tell us about your background?
Jon: I am an active-duty Army soldier. I have served in Infantry and Special Forces assignments. I am fortunate enough to have had a wide exposure to the weapons systems used by US Forces and the military forces of other nations. I have 4 combat rotations overseas and have participated in numerous programs for the development of SOF weapons systems. I am also an avid participant in the sport shooting arena when time permits. I have always had an interest in firearms and tactical products, so when I got to a place where I was able to dedicate the time to developing and producing weapons peripherals it was a no-brainer.
How does your line of work influence your product design? How do end users influence your product design?
Jon: I have been afforded the opportunity to receive some of the best tactical and shooting training in the world in my job, as well as a good amount of combat experience. I also have a network of peers which is extremely valuable for gaining a huge amount of feedback and guidance. These are key factors in being able to know by looking at a product or concept and know it’s strengths and weaknesses over a broad spectrum of possible uses. I can translate this combined information into product gaps, and then I find ways to fill so end-users have what they need to most efficiently do their jobs.
What made you decide to strike out on your own when there are already a TON of light mounts on the market?
Jon: Nobody made an affordable, durable, ultra low-profile mounting system. I could pick any two of those three traits but not all of them. By pure luck I found an experienced local machinist who could make it happen, and already had experience with making products like I needed. Our low-profile G2 and 1″ mounts are simply a further refinement of a piece he has been making since 2003.
What makes your mounts different and better?
Jon: Our mounts provide a level of function and value few have been able to match. I do not want to set a price that would make a Law Enforcement Officer, Service Member, or civilian shooting enthusiast have to save for two months to buy one. My partner and I both have day jobs to pay the bills, and we produce these mounts because we love making these products. We are also able to bring a level of expertise in both tactical experience and manufacturing capability that is not often found elsewhere.
As far as I know the Low Pro Scout Mount is the first mount of it’s kind. Where did the inspiration for the Low Profile Scout Mount come from?
Jon: Pat Rogers of EAG Tactical, 100%. He called me and said, “Why don’t you make an offset Scout Light mount?” And I did… (We here at Jerking the Trigger think that is probably the only proper response when Pat Rogers wants something!)
Can we look forward to more gear from DCC soon? Can you share any teasers with us?
Jon: We have a solid lineup of new gear coming out, and in addition to weapons parts we are going to introduce some specialized soft goods. In the near future we look forward to offering a new handstop that offers improved grip, footprint, and value over others on the market as well as some new solutions for attaching slings to popular weapons systems. I want to expand at a rate that is manageable with my primary job, and also I want to make sure we are not re-inventing the wheel with our products. I don’t wish to compete with other manufacturers, really. I want our products to be specialized and truly offer something different from others on the market. If I can go buy it from LaRue, I will just go do that instead (shameless plug for LaRue, BTW.)