Tag Archives | UW Gear

Lights Out Saga

Lights Out Saga Teaser

Are you sitting down? Good. Lights Out, a classic work of survival fiction, is going to be made into a movie and I could not be more excited. I will keep you in the loop as I am able to find out more.

There will be an announcement made on March 18th. In the mean time, check LightsOutSaga.com, the Lights Out Saga Facebook Page, and this trailer:

PS – I hear that you will want to keep an eye out for some UW Gear involvement!

UW Gear Swampfox MKII in Woodland

Woodland Swampfox

I have a thing for Woodland Camo and I am really glad to see it making a bit of a come back. This UW Gear Swampfox MKII makes me a bit weak in the knees. UW Gear has recently added Woodland to their color options for all their gear.

Check out UWGearINC.com.

762 NATO Minuteman MKII Chest Rig from UW Gear

We have already mentioned that UW Gear has been working on .308/7.62×51 versions of their excellent chest rigs. Now we have the first picture of what the 762 NATO Minuteman MKII Chest Rigs will look like.


The rig is designed to hold 3 20 round capacity magazines and it works with all the common battle rifles including the FAL, AR-10, M14/M1A, and SCAR 17. It is available now on UWGearINC.com.

UW Gear Tarp Shelter

Tarp shelters are lightweight, they pack small, and they are typically more versatile than a tent. UW Gear is currently developing their own version of the tarp shelter.

The prototype is made from coated 70D nylon. It is about 5.5′ by 9.5′ long but those dimensions may change. The prototype is shown in A-TACS FG and other colors and patterns may be available. The tarp shelter utilizes webbing loops for its tie downs which are more durable and easier to replace than grommets. It can be used as a standalone shelter or in conjunction with a bug net or hammock.

Watch UWGearInc.com for details.

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