Tag Archives | Cool Guy Yard Sale

Free Buyer’s Membership at Cool Guy Yard Sale

If you don’t have anything you want to sell but there is cool guy gear you want to buy, pay attention. Cool Guy Yard Sale is now offering free memberships to buyers. There will still be a monthly subscription fee for those who want to sell their gear but buyers fly free.

Check out Cool Guy Yard Sale.

Cool Guy Yard Sale Free to Buy

Cool Guy Yard Sale – One Month In


Cool Guy Yard Sale has now been live for 1 month and it is growing in terms of services and discounts offered, membership, page views, and cool guys gear listings. The discounts alone make the membership fee a bargain. I visit the site near daily and will be listing some items for sale shortly.

Here is what CGYS founder Rob Tackett has to say now that the site has 30 days under its belt…

One Month of Service

Friends and Shooters I would like to bring you all an update on the activity at Cool Guy Yard Sale (CGYS) over the last 30 days since the website went live bringing a new idea to the shooting community.  A service based business that serves members in 3 ways and we are pushing forward with new initiatives, partners and members daily.

As I mentioned above CGYS is a very different idea.  If you look around the shooting sports industry you will find very few service-based businesses outside of the gunsmiths and custom shops.  We are out to change that dynamic with the first multi-faceted, membership based, convenience website. Services currently range in three areas with more services being built into a single website so that we can provide a single location on the web for you to go to receive information and discounts from industry leaders, news concerning the shooting sports and Second Amendment activities, along with an outlet for moving guns and gear that you no longer need or want.

The last 30 days have been very exciting for us and for all of our new members who have been making great deals and taking up our industry partners for amazing discounts direct from the manufactures.  In the last month we have had more than 70,000 page views with an average time on CGYS of more than 4 minutes.  That is huge and has started to drive the engine of commerce between all the people we are brining together.

CGYS has a lot to do to make sure that your membership fee of $10 per month is a huge bargain for each and every one of you.  Let me tell you how we are doing it.

First there is the news and podcasts links that we are building in with more pages coming soon. I know that everyone is busy with work and life and I also know that surfing the net isn’t as easy as it once was.  Social media is distracting and much of what you wanted to see by “liking” a page is missed due to Facebook rules and Twitter is limited by character content.  CGYS is working with the best bloggers, podcasters and video channels to bring everything into one central location for you convenience and knowledge.

Next, we are working with some of the best places to shop and train to provide member only special discounts that will save you more than your membership dues over the course of the year.  Just a few of the companies on board are Raven Concealment, Austere Provisions, Peter’s Custom Holsters, Ballistics USA and TacStrike Steel Target Systems.

To provide an example TacStrike Systems provides CGYS members a special 15% discount code that can be found when you are member of CGYS.  TacStrike’s flagship steel target called the ¼ Scale sells for $250.  So if you were in the market for some steel you could save $37.50 per ¼ Scale just for being a member at CGYS.  That’s almost 4 month’s of membership fees covered in one outside purchase.

Then there is the Yard Sale itself. This is the centerpiece of what we are doing as a service. A place that provides you a professional way to list your items for sale or buy new items that you want at great savings from other members.  Just visit the yard sale once and you will realize that we put a lot of effort into making CGYS look more like Amazon and nothing like a forum’s gear exchange.  Added to that an internal email system to protect your privacy and make communication a breeze and all of a sudden you have the ability to operate your very own “webstore” inside of Cool Guy Yard Sale.

Businesses are also welcome to join CGYS and sell their inventory on the website.  A slightly higher membership fee is required to run your store on CGYS but we will never ask you for another dime after your membership fees.  That’s right NO COMMISIONS, NO LISTING FEES, NO BRIBING YOU FOR A BETTER LISTING.

The future holds great things as well. Ammo finders, training schedules, NFA and FFL Resources, along with some top secret partnerships that will prove to be handy and informative for the members of CGYS.

Hundred of shooters have already joined the ranks of CGYS and personally I’ve already sold more than $700 worth of used gear that I will never miss and am halfway to my goal for a new optic. So stop over at www.CoolGuyYardSale.com and get involved with the new family that is growing and thriving just for you.

Thank you for taking the time to spend a few minutes learning about our new initiative and services that we are brining to shooters.


Rob Tackett

Owner of CGYS Inc.

Cool Guy Yard Sale Press Release


JTT readers should already know that Cool Guy Yard Sale went live just this week. CGYS represents a unique concept that has a lot of potential. Rob Tackett, the man behind CGYS, sent over a press release that will give you an idea of what’s in store and why you will definitely want to nail down a membership…

Press Release:  Cool Guy Yard Sale Launches With a New Idea for the Shooting Community

October 22, 2013

Rob Tackett, owner of TacStrike Systems Inc., has brought a new concept to the community. Cool Guy Yard Sale (CGYS) is focused on becoming a sole source website for information, community relations, and a gear swap shop. CGYS is a membership site for those who want to ease the pains of social media, forums and information flow for news on the shooting industry. In addition, the e-commerce style Yard Sale for the selling of gear, guns and ammunition by the members.

Features of Cool Guy Yard Sale’s member swap shop include:

– An easy to use product listing form that is mobile device friendly for snapping a picture and submitting your items for sale.

– A internal messaging system so that personal information doesn’t have to be disclosed until after the sale is completed.

– Web searchable (i.e. Google) descriptions so that your items can be seen by those that are not members but looking for a specific item which increases the sales potential.

– No commission memberships for individuals, non-FFL vendors and FFL sales. Once you are a member you can list and buy all you want without additional fees.

– No Extortion Style listings.  There is no such thing on CGYS as a “featured listing” or “highlighted text” to get you to spend more money.

– Support Services for anything you need and much more.

Cool Guy Yard Sale is also working with companies from around the industry to bring special discounts to members.  CGYS accepts no money or gifts from these manufacturers.  CGYS works with them for the benefit of our members. With the cost of gear these days it is easy to see that the savings can be huge on a monthly basis for the members.

CGYS is also evaluating adding features like a tabbed Youtube page bringing all of the latest industry posting to one location, a community forum and chat room, and ammo search engines, not to mention any other great ideas our members may have that we haven’t thought of yet.

Memberships for Cool Guy Yard Sale are only $10 per month for an individual, $50 per month for a retail store or non-FFL manufacturer and $100 per month for a business who wishes to sell firearms on CGYS. All membership levels offer unlimited listings, no commission payments and full access to the website. For the cost of a good cigar or a fast food value meal a member can simplify their life, sell off un-used gear to help fund new purchases and receive deep discounts from a growing list of industry leaders for their products.

We are building a new community and we hope to see you there.

Rob Tackett

Owner of TacStrike Systems and CGYS Inc.

Head over to CGYS now to check it out for yourself.

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