Author Archive | Jon L

Properly Storing Your Firearm

Proper firearms storage is an important practice for all gun owners and should be given a lot of thought. The mindset behind owning the firearm, the occupants of your home, and any local (nanny state) laws should be guiding factors as you make necessary decisions. Careless storage can result in tragedy and theft, but being overcautious could also render a firearm inaccessible if it is needed in a hurry for protection. Determining your home’s gun storage plan is a very personal decision and no blanket solution exists for all circumstances.

Not everybody owns a gun with personal protection in mind and their firearms are used predominantly (and likely rarely) for hunting or other sporting purposes. Others may have home defense in mind, but have never achieved the necessary proficiency to implement an action plan if it became necessary during a crisis. My recommendation to people who fit into either of the above categories is to keep their guns under lock and key. In my opinion, liability risks from unsecured weapons trump other variables in these situations.

Well designed storage solutions like those from Armory Racks can maximize the readiness of your secured handguns.

My sincerest advice to those inclined is to own a firearm for protection and to obtain the skills necessary for proficiency under stress. In most cases this skill level can only be reached with professional instruction or police, military, etc. training. Once this is achieved I still recommend keeping all firearms in a safe except for the one(s) currently designated to be used in defense of home and property. These weapons should be under your direct control (by either thoughtful placement or worn on your person) in this role and not just left lying around where the worst could happen.

The only weapon immediately ready for defense is fully loaded and charged. Anything else is a joke or attempted compensation for lack of training or familiarity. Incidentally, one of the best plans for securing your primary defense handgun when it’s not going to be under your immediate control is in a small safe that’s readily accessible in the area of your home where you spend the most time. This about the only way the firearm can be safely stored while loaded. Other methods that require constant loading/unloading with the same ammunition should be avoided as this practice over time can cause dangerous over-pressure situations from bullet set back.

The interface between family members and guns is likely one of the most difficult equations to balance. Everyone wants to place full confidence in their kids, but misplaced trust can have the worst consequences imaginable. The individual maturity and friend/life choices that your child is making should be carefully weighed when firearm access decisions are made in the home.

Imagine how this man must feel after his grandson stole his pistol and used it to commit three murders! As if this wasn’t tragedy enough, predatory lawyers and their greedy clients are seeking to hold him civilly liable because of the manner in which he stored his firearm. We live in a disturbing time where once unthinkable acts of violence are commonplace and the character of many (especially young) people has greatly eroded. Proper securing and storage of firearms maybe one of the most important choices you ever make with your weapon.

Why We Train: Legal Accountability

Action is always faster than reaction. This is never more true than in a high stress deadly force situation. It is important to properly tailor your training around this fact because anyone who is being victimized is forced to react from way behind to stop the threat. Unfortunately, you as the “good guy” will not have the advantage of being the first to act. This is why your best weapon is always your situational awareness.

Anyone who carries a firearm for protection should familiarize themselves with the important 1989 SCOTUS case, Graham vs. Connor. Here is a good summary if you don’t want to read the whole thing. While this case is directed towards use of force by police, the same principles are true for anyone who is lawfully armed. Knowing the standards by which you will be held legally accountable is paramount.

In short, the court held that any action used to protect yourself (and for the police to do their jobs) that is reasonable is legal. The court wisely recognized that these types of decisions made in a split second under extremely intense circumstances cannot be judged by the “20/20 vision of hindsight,” but only by the “facts and circumstances” known at the time. The severity of the crime and the differences in size and strength are also important considerations by which your actions will be judged.

With these facts in mind, consider the recent news story from Richmond, VA about a pizza delivery driver who recently shot a robber armed with a stun gun at around 2am. Is the crime of armed robbery pretty severe? Can anyone differentiate with certainty between a stun gun and a real gun in the dark? Were the robber’s actions inherently (and quite possibly verbally) communicating a threat likely to cause substantial bodily injury? The answers to these questions are clear and reasonable and so should the fate be of the pizza delivery driver in this case.

Disclaimer: This should not be construed as legal advice. Familiarize yourself with your local and state laws.

Maximizing Your Fitness: Running

Running is the foundation of many people’s fitness programs. It’s great exercise and is an effective way to build endurance. However, it’s also easy to get into a jogging rut. If your workout has consisted of the same ol’ plodding paced jogging route for far too long, then please let me offer some suggestions!

Now, my favorite type of running just so happens to be plodding along at a jogging pace and there’s nothing wrong with doing that on some days. However, below are some drills/CrossFits I use to break out of that rut and push myself past old limits. I always recommend timing yourself and recording the results in a notebook. It’s great accountability and progress tracking. Try mixing in some of these specific courses of exercise to your current running regimen and enjoy!

Sprint 100M 10 times with a one minute break between sets.

Run 400M 8 times with a 90 second rest between sets.

Run 800M 4 times with a two minute break between sets.

Run 800M forwards, 400M backwards and repeat without rest. (Yes, you’ll feel silly, but you won’t believe the burn)

Run a 5K as fast as you can. (This works best with some hills, off road portions, and if you’re going against someone faster than you)

Why We Train: Be Sure of Your Target

Most serious shooters today have Jeff Cooper’s weapons safety rules engrained into their minds. These rules are simple to learn, cover nearly every training and real life situation, and have stood the test of time. When properly implemented they can nearly ensure the safe operation of any given weapons system.

America has largely evolved into a populous urban and suburban landscape. If a deadly force situation occurs it is likely going to take place in this setting. This means that being “sure of your target and what’s beyond it” should be of as much importance to the shooter as stopping the threat. The military maybe able to factor in “collateral damage” but you, the private citizen/LEO, will be held accountable to a high standard for any defensive action with a firearm.

After surviving a deadly force encounter, nothing would be worse than learning that your actions caused a life changing accident. No one wants to live with that kind of guilt or go through the slaughterhouse of civil court, where you’ve already lost even if you ultimately win (attorney fees and court costs = losing in my book). As a cop, I’ve seen the aftermath of dozens of shootings that terrified, wounded, and sometimes even killed people who just happened to be nearby or live in the area. The careless criminals who wreak this kind of havoc are rarely held properly accountable in our current (failing) system of justice.

Recently, a man in TN successfully defended his life during a robbery attempt in an apartment complex by a violent felon. Unfortunately, one of his rounds missed the target and went into an apartment with multiple children inside. Thankfully, no one in the apartment was injured and the threat was successfully stopped. I am in no way trying to “Monday morning quarterback” this situation as anyone who has been there knows how fast and chaotic these types of incidents are. Regardless, the incident is a stark lesson and warning to anyone that lawfully carries a gun for duty or protection as the results could have easily been tragic.

SWAT Magazine

I have been a subscriber to SWAT magazine for the last four or five years. During that time I’ve been impressed with every issue and read them all cover to cover. I keep the back issues and actually find myself sourcing them as I make training/mindset/purchasing decisions down the road. Pat Rogers monthly articles alone are worth the subscription price!

As you might expect, SWAT provides many fresh reviews for some of the hottest LE/Military schools available and also many of the latest and greatest firearms. What you might not expect is that they cover a large variety of civilian oriented classes, off the grid living, and some fiery constitutional/libertarian commentary. This is the publication that introduced me to Stewart Rhodes before he started the Oath Keepers! Obviously, this is not your typical “cops only” mag.

SWAT magazine has something for every stripe and level of serious shooter. I don’t know of any other current publication that reaches out so seamlessly to the civilian/LE/military shooter and it’s obvious the editorial staff holds the Constitution and Bill of Rights in high regard. Check them out and subscribe! You simply won’t be disappointed.

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