I have been a subscriber to SWAT magazine for the last four or five years. During that time I’ve been impressed with every issue and read them all cover to cover. I keep the back issues and actually find myself sourcing them as I make training/mindset/purchasing decisions down the road. Pat Rogers monthly articles alone are worth the subscription price!
As you might expect, SWAT provides many fresh reviews for some of the hottest LE/Military schools available and also many of the latest and greatest firearms. What you might not expect is that they cover a large variety of civilian oriented classes, off the grid living, and some fiery constitutional/libertarian commentary. This is the publication that introduced me to Stewart Rhodes before he started the Oath Keepers! Obviously, this is not your typical “cops only” mag.
SWAT magazine has something for every stripe and level of serious shooter. I don’t know of any other current publication that reaches out so seamlessly to the civilian/LE/military shooter and it’s obvious the editorial staff holds the Constitution and Bill of Rights in high regard. Check them out and subscribe! You simply won’t be disappointed.
Thanks so much for the kind words. Because of our name, it’s often assumed that we’re a “Cop Magazine” when, in fact, we’re more about armed defense, survival and civili liberties.
Rich Lucibella
S.W.A.T. Magazine
Thanks for reading and putting out such a great magazine every month!