Proctor Light Mount from Frank Proctor and Way of the Gun

It’s hard to imagine a more minimal, low-profile, offset light mount than the new PLM (Proctor Light Mount). This stainless steel mount is so low profile that the top of it’s rail interface sits flush with the top of the rail it is mounted on. You can actually fold your iron sights over the top of it.

It is designed specifically for use with the Streamlight Protac 1L but will also work with the Protac 2L and Surefire E-Series lights.

Check out the PLM at Way of the Gun.

PLM 2 plm 1 PLM 3


8 Responses to Proctor Light Mount from Frank Proctor and Way of the Gun

  1. Bobcheba February 14, 2015 at 18:14 #

    90.00?!?!?! Wow, I guess I was lucky to get a bunch of Blackhawk! light rail mounts @ PSA for 4.00 @ Xmas. Remember when people used to use duct tape to mount a Duracell flashlight to a gun?

  2. Matt February 15, 2015 at 09:30 #

    Any reason why this would work with the vtac mini l4?

    • Matt February 15, 2015 at 12:40 #

      That is an E-Series light so it should work.

  3. Tcmass February 16, 2015 at 11:21 #

    .4lbs..6.4oz? Seems heavy for that.

    • Matt February 16, 2015 at 11:26 #

      That is a shipping weight. The weight of the mount is likely less.

  4. Grunz February 19, 2015 at 01:20 #

    I would be concerned about the durability of this mount. It seems like it would be very easy to yank the light right off.

    • Tcmass February 19, 2015 at 08:25 #

      I’ve been wondering this. If only someone would get it and test it.

      That had a website.

      Named Matt.

  5. UNITU February 20, 2015 at 07:11 #

    The mount is made from steel. It is far more durable than it looks.

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