If you like the durability of Safariland’s heavy kydex holsters but also prefer a simpler retention system, the Down Range Gear Safariland 6004 Thumb Break Kit may be for you. It installs on Safariland 6004, 6280, 6285, and similar holsters without permanent modification and replaces the SLS system with a simpler thumb break strap.
Check it out at Down Range Gear.
That looks awesome. But 29.95 for that is insanely high.
Insanely high? I don’t think so. It is a very low volume, low demand item that is hand made and tailored to fit the dimensions you provide. I suspect that it wouldn’t be worth making if it didn’t cost at least $30.
Fair enough. It just goes above MY consideration as useful at that price.
I hear you. That is a good way to look at it. If you need it, cost doesn’t matter.