Inspiration from a Bug Bite – The Fight and Flight Tactical TASK Story

The TASK from Flight and Flight Tactical is an absolute smash hit. Fight and Flight Tactical is selling them as fast as they can make them – maybe faster. I asked Dave Watson, head honcho at Fight and Flight Tactical, about it and he let me in on the back story which is a bit different from most that you hear in this industry.

Fight and Flight TASK

The TASK wasn’t the result of a special operations small unit purchase. It wasn’t the result of some kind of military funded study on the effectiveness spacer mesh on the exfoliation of dead skin cells. No, it was the result of a bug bite.

Dave had a mosquito bite that he had already scratched until it was raw. So, to scratch another, he grabbed a scrap of mesh in his shop. The moment he used it inspiration hit like a fifty caliber projectile. The TASK was born shortly after.

I told Dave he needed more bug bites and he informed me that he had plenty from working in his garden. It sounds like Fight and Flight Tactical won’t run out of inspiration any time soon.

One Response to Inspiration from a Bug Bite – The Fight and Flight Tactical TASK Story

  1. Joe Elledge June 20, 2013 at 14:49 #

    Yes! A mans luffa!

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