The ATF recently issued a determination letter to X Products stating that their Can Cannon is an SBR when attached to a regular AR-15 lower and an AOW when attached to a pistol lower. At this time, the only legal way to use a Can Cannon is with it attached to an SBR or registered full-auto lower. This is likely impossible for the majority of people who own these.
You may be wondering why X Products didn’t seek a determination from the ATF before they began selling the Can Cannon. They state that they did but that they sent a diagram and photos instead of an actual sample. Now that the ATF has had a chance to inspect an actual sample, they have issued this new determination.
X Products has stated that they are working on a solution that will be ready in the next 90-120 days. They state that the solution will be more simple than just making the Can Cannon’s “barrel” 16″ long or welding closed the blank firing cap that is part of the Can Cannon’s design. There has been no word as to what that solution is.
You can read the ATF Determination Letter (PDF) by clicking here.
Read X Products letter to customers below: