Tag Archives | Appendix Carry

SHM Appendectomy Low Pro Holster

When you think of appendix carry, you typically think of inside-the-waistband holsters. Snake Hound Machine (SHM) wants to change that with their Appendectomy Low Pro Holster.

The Appendectomy is a Kydex outside-the-waistband that is designed to be carried in the appendix position. It rides very high and is canted aggressively. SHM claims that it rides very close to the body that it “conceals like an IWB with out the discomfort associated with IWB holsters.” Like all appendix carry holsters, it offers an easier draw with the support hand than tradition holsters.

The Appendectomy Low Pro Holster is available for a number of popular compact handguns like the GLOCK 26/27, S&W M&P Shield, Ruger LCP, and others. It is also available in several colors and multiple belt sizes.


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