Tag Archives | Apex Tactical Specialties

Arizona Nunchuck Company

Fact 1: Nunchucks, chain flails, maces, and spiked bats are awesome.

Fact 2: They are even more awesome when they are machined from aluminum, completely modular, customizable, and made in the USA by a company you already know.

Arizona Nunchuck Company is an offshoot of Apex Tactical Specialties that makes all of the above products for fun and profit. The company launched when Arizona decided to decriminalize nunchucks… Someone had to fill the market void!

Their first product was nunchucks and all of their subsequent products have used the modular handles from those nunchucks as a basis. The products are available in a wide array of anodized colors and are made in batches. Currently, they have Nunchucks and Chain Flails available.

Arizona Nunchuck Company currently operates from the Apex Tactical website.

Apex Tactical Specialties CZ P10c Extended Magazine Releases

Apex Tactical Specialties has released their new extended magazine releases for the CZ P10c. These magazine releases are available in either Tactical or Competition versions for either left or right handed shooters. This machined barstock steel magazine release is designed to “easily drop even a fully loaded magazine“. They feature fine checkering on the surface and a black Melonite finish. The Competition Magazine Release is slightly longer than the Tactical version.


Apex Action Enhancement Trigger for Glocks

Apex Tactical Specialties already makes a small handful of Glock parts but ironically for a company best known for M&P trigger parts, they haven’t yet offered a Glock trigger. That is about to change with the upcoming release of their Apex Action Enhancement Trigger for Glocks.


The trigger features an black anodized aluminum bow with a unique shape that is somewhere between a flat and traditional curved bow. According to Apex, the new trigger will reduce pre-travel, reduce the overall travel, provide a shorter reset, smooth out the trigger overall, and provide a crisp break.

The Apex Action Enhancement Trigger will be available with or without a trigger bar. See the Apex Tactical Specialties blog for more details.

Now Available – Apex Tactical Specialties S&W M&P Shield Flat Faced Trigger

Apex Tactical teased the arrival of their flat faced trigger for the S&W M&P Shield late last month and now the wait is over. The trigger is available at Brownells along with Apex’s other excellent action enhancing parts for the popular concealed carry gun.

If you are wondering why you might consider a flat faced trigger, the answer is simple. The flat face gives consistent trigger feel across the entire height of the trigger face. It can make the trigger actually feel lighter thanks to the increased leverage that the trigger finger can exert when placed lower on the trigger face.

Check out the new Apex Tactical Specialties S&W M&P Shield Flat Faced Trigger.

Shield Trigger Flat Apex

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