Why Not?

Kinetic Concepts Tactical just made a holster that will transport you back to simpler times… Times when your teacher, or Sunday school teacher, or babysitter, or parent gave you dry, fish shaped crackers and not nearly enough water to wash them down in a funny little paper cup.

This holsters features the iconic art of the 90’s era Dixie Cup. There is no good reason not to do such a thing so I applaud it. In fact, I think every holster should be printed with Dixie Cup art.

6 Responses to Why Not?

  1. Jeff December 12, 2016 at 10:45 #

    They need to make a Red Solo cup version.

  2. Ben-KCT December 12, 2016 at 14:02 #

    Jeff, where there’s a will….

  3. Ben-KCT December 12, 2016 at 14:02 #

    Where there is a will there is a way

  4. bradford December 13, 2016 at 06:07 #

    yeah ok…. https://www.instagram.com/p/BEpP3amoH-9/

  5. Pike December 13, 2016 at 17:09 #

    That’s great and all, but let’s face it. The concept is a rip off of Armiger Solutions and the design of the holster is some shit I’d expect T. Rex arms to produce. I’m all for applauding holster makers for a job well done, but this is not the situation for that.

    • bradford December 14, 2016 at 11:58 #

      preach it

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