Vigilant Gear – New Site and New Gear

Vigilant Gear has an all new site that is loaded with new gear. They are also now offering shipping for just $2 or free with purchases of $50 or more.


6 Responses to Vigilant Gear – New Site and New Gear

  1. Sgt. Coonan March 22, 2015 at 06:15 #

    Good job

    Handcuff keys get cops killed.

    I’ll never read this blog again.mmand neither will my brothers.


    • dl0 March 24, 2015 at 21:56 #

      Well, bye

    • Concerned Citizen March 25, 2015 at 10:33 #

      If this is the first time you’re hearing about civilians carrying HCK’s than you’re not much of a cop. Not to mention unjustly judgmental and irrational as a sergeant to boycott a website for such a reason.

    • DavĂ­d March 25, 2015 at 15:26 #

      Want an ignorant comment Sgt. Coonan. Way to show leadership with those Sergeant stripes. I have been involved in law enforement for the last 14 years; both military and civilian. Personally I see JTT as a very informative blog on a personal level and a professional level (officer safety). Someone carrying a handcuff does not make them inherently evil or bad. A lot of things get cops killed; to insinuate that Matt has contributed to that is retarded. Following your logic we shouldn’t let kids learn to drive; because you know, motorists kill cops too.

      Thanks for helping to reinforce the us/them mentality when it comes to LEO and the general population. Bye Felicia!

  2. Eric March 24, 2015 at 13:35 #

    Looking good Jordan!!

  3. tomcattch March 26, 2015 at 08:23 #

    Handguns kill cops as well. Should I look forward to you personally coming for mine?

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