WeWillNotBackDown.com – Be Heard and Win Free Ammo

I was recently contacted by Trop Elite Equipment and Trop Gun to tell me about a unique approach they are taking to the looming infringement of your Constitutional rights in the form of an M855 ammunition ban. They created a website, WeWillNotBackDown.com, that makes it extremely easy to email the ATF and voice your disapproval of their actions.


Rather than sell their M855/SS109 at inflated prices, Trop Gun/Trop Elite Equipment is giving it away as an incentive for you to make your voice heard. You simply fill in some info and the website does the rest. It sends an email to the ATF on your behalf and enters you to win a box of ammo. The website can also generate a letter that you can send to your elected officials and help you be part of a social media awareness movement.

Visit WeWillNotBackDown.com.

6 Responses to WeWillNotBackDown.com – Be Heard and Win Free Ammo

  1. Mark February 20, 2015 at 14:58 #

    Here they go again trying to take more and more from us

  2. mike February 21, 2015 at 12:35 #

    they should worry more about their FAST&FURIOUS problem than MY ammo

    • Matt February 21, 2015 at 13:28 #


  3. Larry February 22, 2015 at 15:15 #

    We thought with E. Holder resigning things would be better! WRONG!

  4. Steve February 24, 2015 at 04:55 #

    How long will the American people tolerate this abuse of power and violation of our constitutional rights ? As a child I thought the only way we would lose our rights was to an outside power overtaking our country. Now as a middle aged man , it astonishes me that it ended up being our own countrymen who did it !

    It is indeed desperate times in America ! When the time comes will the patriots of this nation stand up ?

    Only time will tell.

  5. kevin February 28, 2015 at 07:56 #

    thank-you for being here

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