Greg Medford of Medford Knife and Tool recently addressed attendees of an open house and used his speaking time to challenge his workers and, really, all American workers. If you are small manufacturer, watch this and then go make the best products that you can make. If you are a consumer, watch this and then go buy something made by an American. Don’t buy it because it was made in America. Buy it because it was designed by an actual innovator and made better by a craftsman.
This is the kind of inspiration that should come from every business owner big or small. This is the foresight that we should have for our country no matter what our craft should be. With the shape and direction our country is headed in, we need to eagerly promote American born business and innovation. Everything a citizen of U.S.America purchases, should be home grown and made (yes critics, I practice this as much as practically possible). Even if you craft soap, craft it to the best of your ability for America by America!