Aero Precision Ambidextrous Lower Receiver Gen 2

I mentioned this new Ambidextrous Lower Receiver Gen 2 from Aero Precision just yesterday and it became available for sale just last night. This lower is machined from a 7075-T6 aluminum forging. It is hard coat anodized and features completely ambidextrous controls. The special selector markings that allow BAD-ASS-ST and BAD-CASS-ST (short throw) compatibility are new to the Gen 2 version. Additionally, the selector hole has a small cutout so that the short throw levers can be installed without grinding down the pin that prevents them from being installed in standard lowers.

Check out the Ambidextrous Lower Receiver Gen 2 at

Gen2Ambi-7 Gen2Ambi-5

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One Response to Aero Precision Ambidextrous Lower Receiver Gen 2

  1. Rugrash October 17, 2013 at 21:41 #

    Hope you don’t mind me posting a link. If it violates any policy just delete it. Thanks!

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