If you use a Pelican case to transport your rifles, pay close attention to the next several sentences and pry your credit card out of your wallet in advance because this is really, really cool. RE Factor Tactical has created the Pelican Case Insert Combination which is essentially a PALS webbing/loop Velcro covered panel that can be secured in the top lid of your case.
The panel replaces the top level of foam. It can easily be swapped for the foam since it is mounted via large Velcro strips. These panels add a ton of organization potential to a case that has no organization features on its own. This looks pretty handy.
Check out RE Factor Tactical.
Thats a damn good idea.
I think I’d want a layer of padding between the rifle and the panel.
The 1700 is thick enough that the rifle rides down inside the foam. I doubt it will be an issue.
I could see this being particularly useful if you’re using a zippered soft case inside the hard case.
Good point!
Could this work for other pelican Cases?
They are cut specifically for each case. They will likely be coming out with additional sizes.