Larry Vickers, Super Dave Harrington, and Ken Hackathorn on Glock Modifications

CTC LG-417

This TAC-TV segment is extremely educational if you are a Glock shooter. Watch Larry Vickers, Ken Hackathorn, and Super Dave Harrington talk about how they modify their Glocks to get the most performance out of them.


4 Responses to Larry Vickers, Super Dave Harrington, and Ken Hackathorn on Glock Modifications

  1. HWI March 6, 2013 at 16:29 #

    Love the Grip Force Adapter and Vickers mag release.
    I thought it was kind of funny at the end how they said that 9mm Glocks are where it’s at and they run the best since that is the only caliber that has the BTF issue in the late Gen 3s and Gen 4s.

  2. KG March 18, 2013 at 13:55 #

    As a female with smaller hands, a glock 19 is the way to go. I purchased Ameriglo tritium sights, had a grip reduction w/texture and a custom beavertail from in Texas and changed out the trigger to 3.5lb. I love this gun because of the modifications. It’s my carry weapon of choice.

  3. Robert March 31, 2013 at 22:53 #

    3.5 l b trigger weight is for competive shooters only, not for a carry weapon, major liability issues .

    • Joshua October 29, 2013 at 01:43 #

      Read the article “The truth about trigger weight” part 1 and 2 on Why when going from a 5.5 or 4.5 lb trigger to a 3.5 pound trigger does it suddenly become unusable for duty or tactical uses? Police departments don’t put enough trust in there officers or enough training, so instead of training them to a higher standard they say “your to stupid to use anything but a stock gun”. Then places like the NYPD are so obsessed with safety and public safety they issue 20 lb triggers, which are CREATING LIABILITIES. Well I’m here to tell you the Geissele SSA trigger series which is a 3.5 lb AR trigger has been greenlighted by SOCOM! That means top tier special operations units are using 3.5 lb triggers. Nothing can compensate for a lack of training or lack of trigger finger discipline. If you train harder, hold your men to a higher standard you will get better results. Dogma holds us all down.

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