Apex Tactical Specialists GLOCK Failure Resistant Extractor

This might be the most anticipated GLOCK part to come along in a long, long time. The GLOCK Failure Resistant Extractor from Apex Tactical Specialists is now available.

Due to the very public extraction/ejection/who knows what issues that GLOCK has been going through with their recent production 9mm handguns, people have been scrambling to get a once reliable handgun back up and running true to form. If you have one of these function challenged (aka unreliable) GLOCKs then you will definitely want to read what Randy from Apex Tactical Specialties has written about the issues with GLOCK extraction and how he addressed it with his Failure Resistant Extractor on M4Carbine.net.

The GLOCK Failure Resistant Extractor has already been extensively tested by numerous shooters with problem GLOCKs. The results were very promising. It is now available at the Apex Tactical Specialties website, but act fast, because the first run will likely sell out quickly.


One Response to Apex Tactical Specialists GLOCK Failure Resistant Extractor

  1. Mike@AppalachianTraining September 26, 2012 at 10:40 #

    On the way. Glad he got these finished up and available.

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