I wrote about the A-DAC lower receivers from AXTS Weapons Systems in January. Now AXTS has introduced two new lowers that are absolutely full of new features.
The AX556 and AX762 feature the A-DAC’s right hand bolt catch that is integrated into the magazine release. They also have a number of other innovative features including a flared magazine well, extended bolt stop paddle, and texturing on the magazine well that takes visual cues from the ubiquitous Magpul PMAG.
These lowers will also be available with 45 degree selector markings to support the previously reviewed BAD-ASS-ST.
Hi Matt!
I’d like to mention that the billet AX556, AX762 and the forged receiver (forged receiver does have the A-DAC feature, but no ambi bolt catch and ambi mag release) will all have the pictogram fire markings that are compatible with both the 45 degree and 90 degree selector. Customers have the option to go with either selector at the time of ordering. This gives the customers the option of using the legacy 90 degree selector, or trying the new and much better 45 degree, as the 68 degree fire pictogram will work for both.
We can’t wait to see the AXTS receivers, they are some of the nicest receivers to date, and for a long time to come.
Roger Wang
Battle Arms Development
Thanks Roger!
so are you saying that the ax556 doesnt come with these features or it just doesnt come with the hardware? thanks for any info