The Mako Group is the distributor for E-Lander Mags. These mags are made in Israel for the Tavor and AR-15. They are made from steel and feature a reinforced floor-plate, high-visibility, no-tilt follower and more.
The Mako Group has been extremely classy through this entire Panic Buy of 2012. They have held the line on their pricing and even offered discounts. These mags are in stock and they are being produced quickly enough that, when they are back ordered, they usually ship within a day or two. This is the kind of thing that shooters should appreciate and remember once things have stabilized.
I will admit that I don’t know a lot about this magazine other than the initial reports which have all been good. You can check them out at Use our discount code JERK for 5% off your order and you can also use the code FREE-GRND for free shipping on orders of $99 or more (IMPORTANT NOTE: Do NOT choose a shipping method when using the free shipping code).