Station IX deserves a few minutes of your time. According to their website:
We specialize in the development of unconventional tools and weapons for combatives and survival in austere environments and occupied zones.
According to me, they may very interesting defensive tools that are both historically inspired and informed by modern-day best practices at reasonable prices. For instance, their take on the OSS, the NUMBER FOUR, is both instantly recognizable as an iconic last-ditch weapon but also has modern cutlery steel, a well-sorted out kydex sheath, and an aestetic that blurs the line between new and old.

They also produce more modern knives like the NUMBER FIVE which is instantly recognizable as a Fred Perrin design. Even this knife seems give off the aura of being both vintage and something entirely new at the same time.
I guess what I am saying is Station IX is doing something new. They seem to be creating production knives that are both interesting in terms of design and function at a price that is competitive in their space.