Tag Archives | Harris Tactical

GG&G 45 Degree Transition Sights


While the offset iron sight concept seems to be gaining traction, there still aren’t more than a handful of manufacturers that are actually producing them. I just learned of a fairly recent addition to that short list from Harris Tactical. The GG&G 45 Degree Transition Sights look like they split the middle between some of the offset iron sight sets that are currently available. They offer more precision than something like the XS Sights XTI but lack all the adjustment at the rear sight like the Dueck Defense RTS (which some users may not need).

Check out the GG&G 45 Degree Transition Sights at HarrisTactical.com.

Harris Tactical NiB-X .308 7.62×51 NiB-X BCG

Harris Tactical has expanded their pre-order on NiB-X bolt carrier groups to include a .308/7.62×51 BCG. The .308 version is compatible with rifles that use the DPMS pattern BCG. It is expected to be in stock as soon as mid to late February.

carrier and bolt

SPECS: Fits .308 DPMS Patterned upper receivers.

Nickel Boron baked on coating

Bolt – carpenter 158 steel, case hardened, shot peened, magnetic particle inspected.

Extractor – includes black buffer, black o-ring, and spring.

Carrier – 8620 steel, heat treated, and case hardened.

Gas Key – properly staked grade 8 heat treated fasteners.

Full-Auto Cut (Non-NFA Item)

Check out HarrisTacticalOnline.com.

Harris Tactical NiB-X AR-15 Bolt Carrier Group Pre-Order

I want to welcome Harris Tactical as our newest advertising partner on JTT. I have been pleased with the service that I have received from them and the way they have held the line on their pricing through all of the panic buying. I am thrilled to have them as part of Jerking the Trigger!


They have opened up pre-ordering on their upcoming NiB-X AR-15 Bolt Carrier Group. The NiB-X (Nickel Boron) coating provides durability, corrosion resistance, and easy clean up. Just as important as the coating, the carrier under the coating has all the mil-spec hallmarks of quality that you should be looking for in a quality BCG.

These BCG’s are expected to ship in late February to early March. They can be pre-ordered now at HarrisTacticalOnline.com.

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