Tag Archives | Gunstruction

First Ever – AK Gunstruction User’s Choice Build – May 2017

Gunstruction’s last big release brought with it the ability to build virtual AKs. Now, about a month later, Gunstruction has compiled the parts selected most often by Gunstruction users into a single User’s Choice Build. This is not intended to be a cohesive build (though it may work out that way) but rather a compilation of the most popular parts in various categories based on Gunstruction’s data. It is an interesting window in consumer trends.

We don’t have any trends to compare this build against since this is the very first AK User’s Choice Build but there are still some interesting observations we can make. Magpul continues to dominate the grip and stock categories among Gunstruction users, even when they are building AKs. It’s also interesting that a 7.62×39 AK was chosen as the most popular starting platform.


Gunstruction User’s Choice Build – April 2017

History has been made! If you follow Gunstruction’s User’s Choice Builds, you know that there has been one common thread across every single one… Not anymore!

The Gunstruction User’s Choice Build for April features an optic that isn’t an EOTech for the first time. Gunstruction users selected the Atibal AT-AGB Gen II for their virtual builds more than any other optic in April. EOTech may have finally been dethroned (at least temporarily) but Magpul continues its strangle hold on the User’s Choice grip and stock.

You can follow these User’s Choice Builds at the Gunstruction Facebook Page. They compile the most selected options from their virtual AR-15, AR308, and R700 building tools into a single build. It can be an interesting look into trends.

AKs Coming to Gunstruction

Gunstruction is working on version 5.0 as you read this. The biggest news that will likely come out f that new version will be the inclusion of the AK family of rifles. Version 5.0 will feature AKMs, AK74s, M70s, M92s, Veprs (RPKs), and milled AKs with a variety of chamberings at launch along with AK specific products from manufacturers like ALG Defense, Magpul, RS Regulate, and more.

Gunstruction – More Free Content

There are major changes coming to the virtual rifle building tool, Gunstruction, with the next update. There will be new options and new parts but the biggest news is that there will be more free content in the app. The new version (4.6) will give you access to all weapons (AR-15, AR308, and R700) for no cost along with save slots to save your creations.

The changes are not in the respective app stores yet but should be available soon.

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