Will Petty has been officially announced as part of the 88 Tactical instructor cadre.
From 88 Tactical Founder, Shea Degan:
88 Tactical, a Nebraska based training organization, is proud to announce the addition of Mr. Will Petty to the ranks of its nationally recognized instructor cadre. Petty, a longtime Law Enforcement Officer, has served both in patrol and a number of specialized assignments. Petty will be conducting courses not just at 88 Tactical’s range and lodge facility but elsewhere across the country and abroad. Most will be focused on (though not limited to) the unique challenges of Vehicle Close Quarters Battle — shooting in, around or through vehicles, including low- and no-light classes and instructor development programs like the one he recently established for the NYPD.
Says 88 Tactical’s Founder and HMFIC Shea Degan, “Since Thrasher (88 Tactical COO and serving 18Z Trevor Thrasher) and I first began our program we’ve worked to ensure everything we do is reality- and behavior based. All our classes, in fact our entire instructional ethos, is predicated on adrenalized, asymmetrical scenarios. William’s emphasis on contextual reality is a perfect extension of this. Nothing Will teaches is ‘square range based.’ He despises range lore for the institutional tradition it is. We are [expletive deleted] excited to have him.”
Petty began his LE career in New Mexico, eventually moving to Texas and spent 2-years on contract with the Critical National Infrastructure Authority in Abu Dhabi as a Counter Terrorism instructor for certain specialized units of the United Arab Emirates and other places. He’s been a rangemaster, defensive tactics instructor, ERT member and departmental competition shooting team member. Petty, who remains a Texas Tactical Police Officers Association instructor and serving reserve officer, joins an all-star roster of notable and internationally experienced instructors. Among them are former SF medic, combat diver and PSC contractor Nick Nowatney, former FBI Hostage Rescue Team Leader and DoJ Counter Terror expert Mike Sackett, veteran LEO and former counter-piracy PSC contractor Tim Fullmer, USAF SERE legend and Midwest School of Bushcraft Terry Barney and many more.
You can take a look at some of what Petty will be instructing for 88 Tactical here in this video trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?
v=R9Z4Tf_DgG8 About 88 Tactical
88 Tactical’s roots are in Nebraska Law Enforcement, hence the name. “Signal 88” is Nebraska’s LEO brevity radio code for Situation Secure. We are the Midwest’s premiere training facility and cadre, with instructors who remain operational in their chosen fields all over the word. With a lineup of SMEs virtually unmatched in the industry, 88 Tactical leverages its staff’s vast array of disparate experiences to teach everything from the Carmageddon 3-day survival school, Concealed Carry Licensing, several level of handgun and carbine courses (including some that are restricted to women only) and edged weapon instruction to kids anti-bullying and anti-abduction programs, tactical medicine and high threat CQB classes for LEOs, contractors and military personnel. Students include everyone from school children to responsible armed citizens and SOF personnel. Find our full list of courses and a training calendar here. Learn more about our instructors here.
Sincerely,Shea M. Degan
Founder & CEO