We’re Back but Different

You may have noticed that there was no new content published to JTT for the last few months. The simple truth is that a few situations conspired together to force me to take a break.

Many of you know that JTT is not a job for me. I have never run it with the intention of making it a full-time gig. My “real” job has been taking more of my time and forcing me to take more careful account of where I spend the time outside of that work. I guess you could say I needed to change my priorities. That external pressure from work and other factors hasn’t gone away so things will have to change around here.

JTT is back but things will be different. Posting may be more sporadic. I have always tended to post about things that I’m into at that moment instead of what is most newsworthy but I’ll lean even harder into that. The way we accept advertising partners will change as I would like JTT to be even less beholden to anyone than it already is.

For those who sent notes inquiring as to whether I was still among the living, thank you. I appreciate that.

7 Responses to We’re Back but Different

  1. Loyal Reader August 25, 2022 at 13:13 #

    Glad you’re doing ok! Life gets in the way sometimes. I’ve always appreciated the content that you’ve put out.

    • Matt August 25, 2022 at 17:14 #


  2. Jon L August 25, 2022 at 18:51 #

    Glad you are back was getting worried

    • Frank August 26, 2022 at 18:42 #

      I have been wondering. Glad to see you’re back also, I didn’t realize have much I checked your site for info.

  3. Sasquatch August 25, 2022 at 19:43 #

    Also glad you’re still around! I was fearing the worst. Take care of yourself, and however JTT moves into the future, I’ll be along for the ride.

  4. Gerard August 26, 2022 at 10:31 #

    Glad your back

  5. El August 31, 2022 at 10:43 #

    Refreshing the page every other day just made me realize that, yes, I really do want a new Colonel/Regiment blade. Glad you’re okay, and thanks for the content.

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