Amtac Blades is hosting their first ever giveaway but even though this giveaway will take place on Instagram, this is no “like, share, and tag” situation. You are going to need to do some work in the real world to have a chance.

We are doing our first giveaway. This will not be easy. Yesterday I climbed Snowshoe Peak in MT. In the logbook on top of the mountain I signed my name and wrote something that has meaning to me. The first person that takes a picture of themselves on top of the mountain holding the logbook and posts what I wrote will get a Northman. Make sure you are in shape and have some mountaineering experience before attempting this. There could be consequences for failure. Good luck.
If you want a chance to get a Northman, which is an excellent knife that I highly recommend, you better start planning your trip.
You can find more details on the Amtac Blade Instagram page: @amtacblades
Maybe if the contest was hosted on Rumble, or Freetalk24, but not Instagram. They censor Americans there.