KEY-BAR is an EDC key organizer that turns your jumble of jangly keys into a silent, easy to carry, Swiss Army Knife like tool. Each one comes with a pocket clip, a loop for attaching key fobs, and all the hardware you need to stow up to 12 keys. They are available in a variety of materials and finishes that are sure to suit any taste and, if they don’t have one that suits you, they can customize one to your specs.
I don’t carry a lot of keys daily but I admit it is hard to resist the allure of the KEY-BAR. That is due in part to a wide variety of key shaped tools that are availabnle. KEY-BAR actually sells a few of them like screw drivers, bottle openers, and thumb drives. That means that, even if you only carry 4 keys like I do, you can use KEY-BAR to replace and organize several other items that you carry regularly.
On top of all that, they have carbon fiber, so… Check out KEY-BAR.
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