Push knives (punch blades) are one of the easiest to carry styles of defense fixed blades. They are also fairly intuitive to use. However, many of the available push knives on the market just aren’t that great. Joe Watson Knives is developing a push knife that looks to have a lot going for it.
The handle is hand filling with a broad backstrap to which helps prevent twisting and spreads the force of a blow out over more of the palm. The post area that connects the blade to the handle is well rounded to prevent injury. The random textured G10 scales should also go a long way toward preventing twisting.
The blade is very reminiscent of Joe’s Archangel design. It has a strong point that is well suited to the intended point driven use of this knife but also has a useable edge. The blade is not centered on the handle like many push knives. Instead, Joe has offset it so it falls naturally between the index and middle finger. It is also set at a slight angle to the handle in order to allow a much natural fist position and to more effectively lock the wrist.
It is obvious that a lot of time and thought went into this knife. It is not available to order yet but will hopefully be added to Joe’s line up of custom knives soon.
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