Is no gun safe from the all encompassing arms of Magpul!?!? Who cares! Please pass the $15.95 Glock 17 magazines.
These magazines feature typical Magpul attention to detail and all polymer construction. They are easier than OEM mags to disassemble, have ridged floorplates to aid in stripping the mag or retrieving it from a carrier, feature high visibility followers, stainless springs, 17rd indicator windows, and a matrix on the base plate used to mark your magazines. Magpul states that these will drop free whether they are empty or full.
Now they just need to do it for the Glock 21 and 30. I’m still holding my breath for a M1A/M14 PMAG.
I second Dave’s comment…anytime Magpul wants to go ahead and put out some PMAGs for the M14/M1A would be fine with me. I mean what are they waiting for? Maybe they’re just making too much money right now, they want to kind of slow it down and spread it out perhaps.
Maybe Glock will respond with polymer AR mags that are metal lined…