There is at least one Vickers Tactical part on most of my Glocks. The LAV knows his way around Gaston’s creation. Now, he has turned his attention to Glock’s latest – the Glock 42.
Larry Vickers has once again teamed up with Tango Down to produce a new Glock product – Vickers Tactical Glock 42 Basepads. The new base pads add some additional real estate on the front strap of the grip to make the littlest Glock a bit easier to shoot. They taper down to flush with the back of the grip which is good news from a concealment perspective since it is the butt of the grip that you actually have to worry about printing.
They are also scalloped in a similar way to the Vickers Tactical Glock Basepads for full size glocks. These scallops give you great leverage when you need to strip a magazine out of a gun during a malfunction clearance.
These will be available soon and you can expect to see more Vickers Tactical parts for the Glock 42 soon (hopefully a mag released and slide release).
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