Many of you asked about the not so inconspicuous muzzle brake preview that was tucked away in yesterday’s ALG Defense EMR announcement. That, my friends, is the new SCB which stands for either Super Cool Bro or Single Chamber Brake – probably Single Chamber Brake.
The name is pretty fitting since it is a 5.56 muzzle brake with a single expansion chamber. It has a large side port on each side and a larger top port than what you typically see. It is machined from 4140 chrome moly steel and is Black Nitride processed for wear and corrosion resistance.
As usual with ALG Defense, the sister company of Geissele Automatics, the price on these brakes is very attractive. At just $35 retail, it will mitigate recoil, muzzle rise, and wallet hemorrhaging.
Check out the ALG Defense website and Facebook Page.
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