In most cases, when a state or local government passes legislation to limit magazine capacity, ban a certain type of firearm, or otherwise limit the 2nd Amendment freedoms of their populace, they build in exemptions for their police department. Now there is a movement afoot to close this so called Police Loophole. Many companies are deciding to discontinue sales to the police departments of anywhere that enforces such a double standard.
A new website has popped up recently that lets you know who is already on board with this movement. There are some real industry giants on the list already. Check out
You can use the information at the site to make decisions on where to spend your money. You can also use it to ask your favorite retailers and manufacturers where they stand or have them added to the list if they have already taken a stand.
The link to the sight is exactly what I was looking for. Thanks for posting it. It’s time the police are put in their place. They are not above the law, their job is to enforce the law. They, the police, are nothing more than uniformed civilians. Mos I know get this, some think a gun and a badge gives them special entitlements.
Now we need some of the Big manufactures to come on board.
HELL YES! It’s about time.
I love this movement. I will gladly patronize these companies, even at slightly higher cost, to support them in supporting me.
Hope Armalite gets their heads out of their posteriors and starts acting with dignity and respect for freedom instead of tax funded purchase orders.