The current availability of AR-15 magazines and related items continues to dwindle. Major retailers like Brownells, MidwayUSA, and others have now discontinued back ordering on items like AR-15 lower receivers, magazines, and ammo in some cases. That means that our PMAG back ordering advice and source for AR-15 lowers is basically null and void. PMAGs have become especially difficult to back order from reputable retailers. Retailers simply have no way to tell when they will receive these items from the manufacturers so they have shut down back ordering.
Once again, I urge all of you who are thinking of adding another layer of magazines to your stash to contact your representatives and start working toward preservation of freedom rather than spending the same amount of energy on padding your magazine stash. The internet makes it easier than ever to get involved. This is not a call to hoard, this is a call to action.
If you are looking for magazines, you can still back order Brownells AR-15 Magazines. These are quality magazines that I have used fairly extensively and they are likely your best bet when it comes to back orders. You might also give the E-Lander Magazines from The Mako Group a try, though they don’t have much of a track record at this point and you will be waiting at least 3 weeks for your order.
If you need a lower parts kit, consider piecing one together with the parts you really want.
The availability of lower receivers, upper receivers, ammo and many different types of magazines has devolved to the point where you have to be in the right place at the right time. Keep on eye on JTT and to see when items become available. Keep in mind that these items are often sold out in minutes. Many sites offer a way to email you when something comes in stock which can be helpful.
I have heard from at least one friend in the industry that at least one large ammo manufacturer has already taken orders for more ammo than they have the capacity to produce in 2013. It sounds like you can expect availability of ammo to be spotty and the price to be high for a while.
Don’t forget to support your local gun store, you never know what you might find.
“This is not a call to hoard, this is a call to action”
faxing, emailing and posting replies to our “foes” online is where i’m spending my time.
but, info in this article is still great to have, so please keep the updates coming!
Gunbroker has plenty of PMAGS. I got two for $60 with free shipping