Ares Armor Build Parties

Ares Armor wants you to know that you can legally manufacture your own firearms. That’s right, if you are not legally prohibited from owning firearms and you are not making them for resale, you can manufacture your own firearms.

Ares Armor is hosting build parties that will help people turn their own 80% AR-15 lowers into fully functional firearms. The build parties start at the Ares Armor Oceanside, CA retail store. The goal is to teach you everything you need to know to start manufacturing and assembling your own AR-15s. Not only is it fun and educational, but it is good to exercise your rights from time to time.

You have to love a company that helps people flex their Constitutional muscle once in a while. Find more information at

One Response to Ares Armor Build Parties

  1. pc_load_letter May 1, 2012 at 14:02 #

    This is a great service they are providing to the population. I will be attending this weekend! Thanks for posting. It sucks living in CA but once in a while a stand up company renews my faith in CA businesses.

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