Shawn Phillips, a friend from the Usual Suspect Network, is working in conjunction with Daniel Winkler to make sure that our soldiers have some amazing axes and tomahawks at their disposal. Shawn started the Give Terror the Axe Foundation to put these highly sought after axes in the hands of the US Navy’s Special Warfare community and the US Army’s Special Operations community. These are functional tools that are being put to good use in Iraq and Afghanistan. Sources say that Winkler axes were present in Somolia during the pirate boarding and in the recent action in Abbottabad.
Give Terror the Axe raises funds several ways. Donations of any size are accepted to the foundation’s paypal account (information below). You can also purchase items like patches or other really amazing items that are donated from time to time. Soon, the foundation will have their own custom patches available for purchase.
The funds are handled in a completely transparent way and as soon as there has been enough raised for an axe (about $350), the funds go straight to Daniel Winkler. All donations are published on the Usual Suspects Network so you can be sure that your donations are going to the right place.
Here is how you can get involved (it will be easier if you have an account with the Usual Suspects Network)…
Read more about the foundation here: Usual Suspect Network Thread – Give Terror The Axe Fund
Buy a patch here: Usual Suspect Network Thread – FS: Give Terror The Axe Fund PATCHES
Check out the extremely rare Strider BD CuBe that is being sold: Usual Suspect Network Thread – Give Terror The Axe SALE: Strider BD CuBe
Send questions or a donation to the Give Terror the Axe Foundation’s Paypal account:
Very cool. I just donated to another cause yesterday so I gotta recharge the ole batteries here, but this is definitely a great cause some some GREAT axes.
*AND some great axes even
It’s great to see this spreading beyond the USN! thank you for posting this up brither. Just a heads up. On Aug.23 we will be moving our i formation services and donation gathering operations from the BrownMajik Factory area on the USN to our very own USN Social Group. You can also find us on Face Book! So come by either source, say hi, look around, and if ya like jump on in!
Give Terror The Axe
Thank you all for your support!
Thank you for dropping in Shawn and thank you for what you are doing to get tools into the hands that need them.