Granite Gear, maker of excellent outdoor gear like backpacks, has quietly been making some very innovative tactical gear for the last couple of years. Some of the newest products in the their tactical line are the Modular Pockets (MP’s).
These are not unlike any other MOLLE utility pouch on the market except for two key differences. They have a rigid foam reinforced back sheet that helps the pouch keep its shape and makes for a rigid attachment to the host pack (or chest rig, belt rig, etc.). They also have compression straps to help prevent noise and shifting. The rigid backing helps prevent the host pack from bunching when the compression straps on the MP are cinched tight. I have never seen a MOLLE pouch with compression straps and when I saw these MP’s I was immediately struck by what a simple, functional, and worthwhile addition they could be to a pouch.
If you have 15 minutes to fill and you want to drool a bit, check out the Granite Tactical Gear 2011 catalog for more info on their entire line of gear.
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